I’m a Ghost and So are You

I’m a Ghost and So are You.

“I am Ghost and So Are You” is a multimedia performance project examining personal and inherited queer erasure and ancestry. Rae Red creates an offering to address their secret, ignored, and partially imagined queer lineage through animation, movement and song. Using a a loose string of facts about their queer ancestor Martha Jane (who hosted Suffragette meetings in her home in Canada) combined with imagery of collective ancestors (Leslie Feinberg/ Audre Lorde) as the visual landscape of the piece, “I am Ghost and So Are You” crafts a non-linear surreal experience combining portals into the past, personal, familial, and cultural histories, summoning spirits, and examining notions of harm and healing. 

the performance toured in August, 2022 to:

Art Farm Nebraska

Chicago, IL, Trap Door Theatre

Detroit, MI, ABP

Pittsburgh, PA, Irma Freeman Center for the Arts

New York City, Wow Theatre

Washington D.C, Rhizome

Philadelphia, PA, Headlong



