Queer. Futures. Past.

We are Ghosts and So are You

and I am ephemeral
I am neither earth nor electric

“Queer. Futures. Past.” is a multimedia ritual performance and installation. An offering to the LGBTQ+ community of Baltimore City to collectively explore notions of queer lineage by summoning spirits of the past in order to see into the future.
“Queer Futures Past.” examines personal and inherited queer erasure. Rae Red, Cliff Doby, Skye Fort, nine guest performers and two visual artists (listed below), playfully address their secret, ignored, and partially imagined queer lineage through a month-long installation at Current Space. Using a playful adaptation of spirit photography and sceances of the 1840s as the visual landscape of the piece, Queer Futures Past crafts a non-linear narrative experience combining personal, familial, and cultural histories, summoning spirits, and examining notions of harm and healing.

Ancestors, hear me now.

Rae Red
Cliff Doby
Skye Fort
Numi Von
Washington Heights
Liz Downing
Rahne Alexander
Alex D’Agostino
Theresa Columbus
Charlie Ensz
Joanne Cates
Curated by: Rae Red
Tech and Stage Manager: Shayden Jamison
Photo credit: Dave Iden, Album Shen, and Rae Red